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Optimage 3 3 13

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Released 2020-10-13: This release contains multiple SDKs. If you're using Visual Studio, look for the SDK that supports the version you're. Omega-3 Oils may also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the adverse effects of osteoarthritis and possibly reduce joint pain. Support for mental wellbeing. Omega-3 oils can have many positive impacts on your mental wellbeing. Some research shows that people suffering from symptoms of depression and/or anxiety may see.

Textpad 1 7 28 download free. No matter which process or methodology your organization is utilizing (Traditional or Agile), Optimax will adapt and fit into your culture and structure.

  • Initial discovery allows us to mutually establish what needs to be built, what kinds of resources are needed, and what the tools and processes are.

    Initial Conversation
    Every client engagement starts with a free, no-obligation initial conversation, sometimes face-to-face, but typically over the phone. This initial conversation is an early discovery call and attempts to establish the initial understanding of what the upcoming project is all about. The conversation typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, and results in scheduling a more in-depth discovery conference — which starts the Analysis phase — at a mutually convenient time and place.

    Analysis (Business & Technical)
    The process of business analysis and initial discovery may be as short as a few hours, or it may take months, depending on the scope of the project, and the methodology that our Client prefers. Living wallpaper hd & weather 4 5 4 inch. In an agile framework, the initial discovery is shorter and the process quickly proceeds to frequent iterations of Discovery and Planning, Development and Testing, and Release and Deployment. With the more traditional predictive approach, more time and effort is spent up front on discovery and planning and carefully establishing the scope of the subsequent development effort.

    Scope Assessment and Contract Negotiation
    The scope negotiation stage of the project is concerned with the development of project boundaries and the negotiation of the contract. It may take anywhere from a few hours to months of negotiations and back-and-forth, but the net result is the signing of a mutually-binding contract whose terms will govern the subsequent steps.

  • Development is an iterative step, repeated in regular intervals of anywhere between 2 weeks and up to a full year, depending on the methodology in use. We generally recommend shorter intervals that provide ample opportunity for feedback and course correction. It comprises the following steps, that are performed during each iteration interval:

    Once the overall project scope is established, more detailed planning activities take place. The project is broken down into manageable chunks known as tasks and subtasks (in agile methodologies called epics, stories, and tasks). Depending on the methodology in use, due dates are established as well as the cadence of iteration if the project warrants multiple iterations of the development phase.

    Architecture & Design
    Architecture of the overall system is an ongoing concern, affecting the detailed design of its pieces. Alternative approaches, technologies, and tools are researched, evaluated, and selected, and a myriad of detailed technical choices is made, often with the help of prototyping, or experimental development. The system evolves throughout the process and progressively gets closer to the desired end-state.

    Coding & Testing
    Coding and testing are performed in near parallel fashion to ensure that the quality of the system does not deviate from the expected norms throughout the iteration. This is easily the most recognizable phase of any project development, as this is the phase in the overall process where the actual code is being written, and then immediately tested and validated against client requirements. Working code that can be deployed in production and executed (run) is the ultimate end-goal of all software development.

    Release & Deployment
    Once the code has been created and tested, it is deployed to higher-level Quality Assurance environments and — after it has been subjected to further testing — is eventually officially released from Development and finds its way into Production. Deployment into each successive environment, culminating with the deployment into Production, may itself be quite complicated, involving multiple steps and complex dependencies.

    Once the development of a product reaches completion, after having gone through possibly many iterations of the Development phase, the project nears completion.

    Project Completion
    A project is considered complete once all of its development objectives have been achieved and it is successfully deployed into Production.

    After the completion of all development, there may be additional work required to ensure the continued success of the end product. In particular, emphasis must be placed on user training and acceptance. Software without active and engaged users is a waste of valuable resources. Optimax will at this stage assist the Client with transitioning into production and the Client's operational readiness in taking over product ownership.

    Maintenance & Support
    Many products, once developed, require regular support and maintenance — and by that we don't just mean bug-fixing. Many systems require regular tuning and maintenance during their normal operation.

    Cloud Hosting
    If Optimax is hosting the end-product, it continues monitoring and fine-tuning the system in question. Databases need to be backed up and their indexes rebalanced; communication systems need to be re-configured in response to infrastructure changes and security threats; underlying operating systems and environments undergo continuous upgrades and may affect the operation of the end-product.

    Depending on the agreement with the Client, Optimax may remain actively involved in the support and maintenance of the final system for a long time.

We stay with you all the way to success!

The choice is clear:

You'll be glad you did!

Optimage version history

3.3.1 – 03 January 2020

  • Fixed the issue causing a default app change for video files
  • Fixed failing PDF optimization when the document contains 16-bit images (for this to work, color conversion must be disabled)
  • disabled)
  • Added support for iTunes Video files (M4V)
  • Cancel video compression instantly

3.3.0 – 19 December 2019

  • Improved UI responsiveness on large volumes of images
  • Improved table scrolling performance
  • Improved SVG, PDF and AV1 compression
  • Added support for animated Webp and Ogg Theora
  • Added static WebP to image conversion
  • Extended image to video conversion and vice versa
  • Consider memory pressure and energy impact in automatic parallel processing
  • Fixed hang when adding a large number of files
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

3.2.1 – 4 October 2019

  • Skip broken PDF files
  • Fixed disappearing text in PDF files with missing CID fonts
  • Fixed wrong color conversion in some PDF files created for print
  • Try harder not to become the default app for supported file types

3.2.0 – 24 September 2019

  • Improved JPEG compression
  • Improved file handling
  • Show warning when files exist at destination or Trash is unavailable
  • Switched to expanded window mode by default
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

3.1.2 – 9 September 2019

  • Fixed incorrect HEIC photo auto-rotation
  • Fixed broken Percentage scaling

3.1.1 – 29 August 2019

  • Fixed lossless compression for WebP lossy

3.1.0 – 27 August 2019

Optimage 3 3 13 Esv

  • Improved JPEG image quality and compression density
  • Greatly improved compression for tagged chroma subsampled JPEG images
  • Improved SVG compression
  • Added experimental AV1 support
  • Keep subfolder structure in the destination folder
  • Added confirmation dialog to prevent accidental window closing
  • Added Copy Command to copy current command line arguments to the Clipboard
  • Added Max Long Edge and Max Short Edge resizing options
  • Changed double click to open files with the default application
  • Simplified Destination folder menu
  • Fixed incorrect video resizing in some cases
  • Fixed Service not appearing for some file types in Finder
  • Fixed Prefix/Suffix autocompletion
  • Fixed table context menu
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

3.0.0 – 27 June 2019

  • Added batch resizing, conversion and compression for common image and video formats including JPEG, PNG, APNG, SVG, GIF, HEIC, JPEG2000, ICO, ICNS, BMP, TIFF, RAW, MP4, WebM, HEVC and ProRes
  • Added HEIC, JPEG2000, APNG, MP4 and WebM compression
  • Added high-quality image and video scaling with gamma correction
  • Added frame rate adjustment for GIF, APNG, MP4 and WebM
  • Added lossy PNG-32 compression
  • Added high-quality thumbnail generation for PDF, PSD and AI documents
  • Added live table sorting and ability to reset sorting order by clicking on the first column
  • Added Share menu
  • Added Reveal in Finder button
  • Added hidden preference to set maximum number of workers
  • Significantly improved PNG, JPEG and GIF image quality, compression ratio and performance
  • Improved lossy WebP image quality
  • Improved optimization progress reporting
  • Completely redesigned user interface
  • Fixed lossy PNG compression failing when not converting to sRGB
  • Fixed SVG compression for some edge cases
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

2.3.5 – 8 November 2018

  • Improved ICO and ICNS compression
  • Fixed more compatibility issues in macOS 10.9
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

2.3.4 – 7 November 2018

  • Fixed more compatibility issues in macOS 10.9
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

2.3.3 – 6 November 2018

  • Improved compression density for some 8-bit images
  • Fixed missing localizations in updater
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

2.3.2 – 2 November 2018

  • Improved command line interface
  • Added a hidden setting to bypass PDF optimization in lossless mode
  • Fixed About and Help not appearing due to missing localizations

2.3.1 – 31 October 2018

  • Fixed compatibility issue in macOS 10.9

2.3.0 – 17 October 2018

  • Significantly improved PNG optimization speed
  • Improved lossy GIF compression
  • Updated SVG compressor
  • Added automatic and standalone dark mode for macOS Mojave
  • Switched to all-system UI colors
  • Renamed Profit to Ratio table column
  • Added new Saving table column
  • Added context menu to table
  • Added sane max width to main window
  • Changed Dock badge to show total number of images
  • Removed file open dialog on reopen
  • Fixed broken Help styles
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

2.2.0 – 5 September 2018

  • Significantly improved lossy JPEG compression
  • Significantly improved PNG compression speed and density
  • Improved lossy PNG compression
  • Improved optimization speed for large GIF files
  • Improved WebP compression
  • Improved ICNS compression by preserving previous PNG optimizations
  • Improved image quality estimation
  • Implemented Grayscale to sRGB conversion
  • Fixed block artifacts in low-quality JPEG images
  • Fixed conversion to sRGB for some wide-gamut and untagged images
  • Fixed report not updating when images removed
  • Fixed images not processed on volumes without Trash
  • Fixed GIF file size increase in some cases
  • Ensured invalid ICC profiles are always stripped
  • Removed auto-reset when adding new images
  • Added file type icons
  • Added hidden settings to disable/enable SVGO plugins
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes

2.1.1 – 30 March 2018

  • Improved lossy PNG compression
  • Added fallback to lossless recompression for JPEG and GIF images

Optimage 3 3 13 Commentary

2.1.0 – 27 March 2018

  • Added WebP support
  • Implemented JPEG quantization table optimization to improve image quality
  • Slightly improved PNG compression density
  • Fixed 1-bit transparency flattening in some PNG images
  • Fixed sRGB chunk not added to untagged images when preserving color profiles
  • Improved handling of PNG images with bogus ICC profiles
  • Improved font embedding and substitution in PDF files
  • Made preferences fixed during optimization
  • Fixed badge disappearing for new batches
  • Added natural sorting for files in batches
  • Added total number of bytes saved to About window
  • Improved final report
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

2.0.1 – 7 March 2018

  • Fixed critical bug causing empty printed-to-PDF documents in some cases

2.0.0 – 7 March 2018

  • Added PDF format support
  • Significantly improved PNG compression density and performance
  • Added and updated numerous lossless PNG image reductions/li>
  • Improved lossy compression of flat PNG images
  • Improved lossless compression of larger PNG images
  • Improved lossy JPEG compression quality, density and performance
  • Improved automatic JPEG chroma subsampling
  • Added option to control progressive JPEG encoding
  • Added lossy GIF compression
  • Updated SVG compressor
  • Added support for SVG fonts
  • Made SVG metadata stripping optional
  • Renamed option to back up original files in Trash for clarity
  • Replaced custom progress indicator with standard Dock badge
  • Fixed report not updating when files removed
  • Added early check for unavailable destination
  • Fixed transparent title bar in High Sierra
  • Added daily quota indicator
  • Improved window resizing including smooth transition to detailed mode
  • Improved animation quality and performance
  • Lowered app rank for supported file types
  • Updated app icon
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes

1.3.1 – 14 August 2017

  • Fixed Show in Finder on double click
  • Reduced memory footprint

1.3.0 – 12 July 2017

  • Improved compression of some JPEG images containing partial blocks
  • Added real-time compression ratio indicator
  • Improved UI responsiveness for large batches
  • Added system sleep prevention
  • Cleaned up status messages
  • Minor bug fixes

1.2.1 – 15 June 2017

  • Improved compression of some JPEG images containing partial blocks
  • Added real-time compression ratio indicator
  • Improved UI responsiveness for large batches
  • Added system sleep prevention
  • Cleaned up status messages
  • Minor bug fixes

1.2.0 – 17 May 2017

  • Revamped visually lossless JPEG optimization for consistent quality and 2-4 times higher performance
  • Improved JPEG quality estimation
  • Improved grayscale PNG optimization
  • Improved PNG compression (block splitting)
  • Doubled optimization speed for large PNG files
  • Fixed GIF files getting bigger on failures
  • Improved error handling
  • Fixed occasional crash on file reopening
  • Fixed initial progress reporting on slow file systems
  • Fixed percentage table column sorting
  • Softened daily limit to finish files already started
  • Minor bug fixes

1.1.3 – 13 March 2017

  • Improved PNG optimization speed, especially for large images
  • Improved PNG compression ratio with better filtering
  • Improved quality and performance for lossy JPEG optimizations
  • Fixed random redrawing issues in table view
  • Fixed an issue with double-compressed ICNS getting corrupted
  • Minor bug fixes

1.1.2 – 21 Febuary 2017

  • Improved JPEG optimization speed
  • Fixed an issue with certain filenames getting skipped in folders
  • Updated Optimage icon

1.1.1 – 14 Febuary 2017

  • Improved color management in ICNS
  • Added table sorting by status
  • Fixed window round corners
  • Improved drag and drop experience
  • Improved detailed view transitions
  • Improved Preferences accessibility
  • Updated Optimage icon

1.1.0 – 8 Febuary 2017

  • Added SVG, GIF, ICO and ICNS optimizations
  • Fixed a bug when PNG files increased in size in some cases
  • Improved PNG optimization speed and compression ratio
  • Added options to specify output folder (absolute or relative), suffix and prefix
  • Added an option to move original files to Trash
  • Added an option to preserve timestamp
  • Improved detailed view UI
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes
Optimage 3 3 13 commentary

1.0.0 – 25 January 2016

  • Added a detailed view with per-file stats
  • Increased JPEG and PNG optimization speed
  • Improved quality metrics
  • Added smart chroma subsampling for more savings
  • Improved compression ratio for both lossy and lossless modes
  • Flattened window style
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Fixed a bug preventing lossless auto rotation of JPEG images
  • Minor bug fixes

0.9.2 – 23 December 2016

  • Added a feature to losslessly auto rotate JPEG images according Exif Orientation tag
  • Improved JPEG optimization performance
  • Increased PNG optimization speed almost twice
  • Fixed an issue with Convert to sRGB causing inverted colors
  • Added CMYK support for Convert to sRGB
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Minor bug fixes

0.9.1 – 14 December 2016

  • Fixed an issue with drag-and-dropping images with capitalized extensions
  • Improved progress reporting
  • Rolled back final compression ratio bar
  • Added a warning about file overwriting
  • Minor UI improvements
  • Added new sections about preferences and command line usage to Help
  • Minor bug fixes

0.9.0 – 8 December 2016

  • Initial release

broken image